Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Life with climate change

Dear all,

Global warming is reality. It seems, time to act on climate change is now or never. Kyoto will end soon in 2012, IPCC reports are questioned. Copenhagen inconclusive, CDM and Carbon Credit are not accepted solutions to many countries. Infect none of this working in thru sense and we are witnessing hotter summer every year.

Now, with this entire package, where are we heading? And what will be future of our lovely planet called Earth? Well, I think no one has this answer and will be always difficult to have accurate one. Great minds (scientists, politicians, policy makers, business tycoons, etc) of our times are working together to fix this global problem called “Climate Change”.

Fact is we are not the creator or destroyer of anything here, but the way we craft our individual lives makes tremendous difference on our universe, planet, environment, country, society, families etc.  Point here is how can we change ourselves? Or should we change ourselves to help this planet?  If this willingness of change is from within then it will not require any sort of incentives, policy, rules and guide lines. Of course they may act as supporting tool but definitely not as motivational factor. We as individual never demanded policy, manuals, and incentives from our mother to learn walking and standing on our feet. All we need is unconscious desire for change. It is a natural process we all under go. Similarly Mother Nature will do the needful if we become child like concern citizen of this planet.

So, I believe an urge from inside to become a concern citizen of this planet will give us some hope and with that, surly we will find our own way to help us and in turn to the whole. Path can differ individual to individual but not the destination.

We are all one & living or passing through a very exiting time. Necessity today is to spread goodness of love all around, if we can establish love in life as a prime factor everything will follow on its own. Entire cosmic energy will work for climate change, without demanding any policy, law, manuals etc.

At the end I would like to quote Osho for all the great minds involved in finding some solution on Climate Change.

“Seeking is needed, but then comes a point when seeking has to be dropped. The boat is needed to cross the river but then comes a moment when you have to get out of the boat and forget all about it and leave it behind… And the day I was not seeking for something, the day I was not expecting something to happen, it started happening. A new energy arose-out of nowhere. Seeking is always for the far, seeking is always for the distant-and it was not distant. I had become far sighted…the eyes had become focused on the horizon, and they had lost the quality to see that which is just close, surrounding you.” Osho.

I am not a scholar to write on the subject, however I believe it came to me by grace of my sadguru and I have shared it with you all.

Kind Regards,
Dharmesh Joshi
Panaji. Goa.

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